The ANIME project, created with the support of the Azuki NFT collection, has announced the launch of a token of the same name. The event is planned for January 2025 on the Ethereum and Arbitrum platforms.
Token Distribution
The developers view anime not only as a popular cultural medium but also as the foundation for building a decentralized creative economy. The project aims to inspire fans by using blockchain technology to make them part of the ecosystem. The Arbitrum X-account has already changed its avatar to an image from the Azuki collection.
A total of 10 billion ANIME tokens will be issued, allocated as follows:
- Azuki Community — 37.5% (unlocked at launch)
- Domain Expansion (Foundation) — 24.44% (unlocked at launch)
- Community Cultivation — 13% (unlocked at launch)
- Partner Communities — 2% (unlocked at launch)
- Team and Advisors — 15.62% (locked for one year, then partially unlocked over three years)
- Company — 7.44% (locked under similar conditions)